One year Hiatus

Can’t say that alot has changed in the year..but in all reality it has. September of 2020 I began my grueling scare of medical tests…everything came out ok thank the Lord.

In any case the year of Hiatus was a grand experiment by me and I found that if people aren’t reading it, they also are not reaching out and asking how I am either…. with the exception of a few people.

Covid changed the world…it changed the way we interact, it changed the way we work, it changed how we are able to buy items and showed us how delicate the supply chain balance truly is.

Many things were great realizations and almost revolutionary…other things were just flat ass insane…I won’t list the things I felt were totally assinine…but by now, you know me well enough to guess what they may be.

Last year, our garden was a flop…this year we were smarter and our garden was just a tad shy of absolutely amazing. I learned how to can, both pressure canning and the waterbath canning. I used USDA guidelines on everything, so we shouldn’t get poisoned out of our pantry! I did probably 14quarts of green beans and around 15-20 pints. I did countless jars of salsa, pasta sauce, tomato juice and chili base. Just this weekend alone I did 24 gallons worth of processing of pints and quarts! So I am ready for the garden to be done. But we are anxiously waiting for next spring with our ideas of what we are going to plant!!

We lost a lot of people that we knew in this last year…and it sucked. Covid kept people apart when they needed to be together the most. We got our vaccines the second it was available to us. We need to discuss with the DR as to when we get a booster. I am not opposed to being sick for a few days…but I am opposed to dying needlessly… I respect that we all have a choice…so no lectures here. We all have our reasons right?

This year I think I have finally fessed up to myself that I have anxiety issues….but you know what? Those damn anxiety issues are what makes me me and I am still able to get out of bed, Knock the dreaded “things” off my list everyday…and keep going. Sounds dumb, but one simple thing will hang over my head to the point that it is all I can think of….and seriously, it would take two damn seconds to deal with it….but instead I stew about it for hours….lame.

We had a summer full of golf and time spent with close friends. We have not yet got into the “let’s get into a crowd” thing yet. No concerts, no crowded restaraunts, no indoor gathering type things.

I will try to be better at writing again…but this last year was just a tough, tough year. Everything I wanted to write was not helpful to myself or anyone else…so it was better to just not write. This next year should be better, less doom and gloom and I will work hard to find my humor and my old self back again.

On a super bright note, I have not smoked since June 24, 2020. I have a year and 50lbs under my belt…and that is ok. I have lost weight before…I know how to do it….I think I am just about ready to start that journey and get rid of that 50.

When I quit smoking, I found out how much I used smoking as a “reward”…well I was lost on any project I did because I couldn’t take a break and reward myself…..weirdest thing ever! So I think (Know) that I used food as the reward and at this point, I think I no longer need that reward factor. We will see when I start and how it goes. I figure it will take a year…I am good with that.

5 thoughts on “One year Hiatus

  1. Sorry I didn’t know you where sick. Sounds like the world is rolling right along for you currently. This is the first post I have seen of yours in DAYS. Thought you had stop, and were busy with the grand babies. Didn’t make it home with the camper this trip. We had to be towed into Lexington, Neb. Something wrong with the front right wheel. It is setting at the chevy garage. They can’t look at it for two weeks. Called the neighbor lady and she came and got us. About 300 miles. Mary Sent from Mail for Windows


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